Thursday, December 19, 2019

Day 15: Wednesday, December 18, 2019: Puerto Montt

We pulled into Puerto Montt just before 8:00 am. Puerto Montt is ideally located on the west coast of southern Chile and considered the capital of the nation's Norther Patagonia province. It was founded in 1853 with the government-sponsored immigration of Germans. With the Osorno and Calbuco volcanoes nearby, the area also boasts the second-largest lake in Chile, Lake Llanquihue. Supposedly all very beautiful...if one could only see it through the fog. It was raining and very foggy up until shortly before our departure at 5:00 pm this afternoon.

This day, both Stephen T and I had an excursion to hike up the Osorno Volcano, a visit to the Petrohué Falls and Puerto Varas. A 7.5 hour excursion. I had canceled my participation after my falling experience of a couple of days ago. Stephen was still going. These excursions go "rain or shine". We certainly had the former today.

Here is what we had hoped to see...

What we did see...

Stephen took off and I spent the day taking Tylenol and putting ice packs on my shoulder. Here are some of the photos Stephen took during his excursion.

Puerto Varas

About mid-afternoon, the weather cleared and the sun came out. We pulled out at 5:00 pm.

Tomorrow is our last sea day. Friday morning we dock in Valparaiso. Saturday morning we disembark and drive up to Santiago to catch our late night flight home.